Object type

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (15/16November)


Temporary Station Closures 7/8 October 1972


Weekend Engineering Work May Affect Your Journey (10/11 January)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Work may Affect Your Journey 29/30 November.), Olive green border printing white and black, Central panel white black printing, Listing routes affected bu engineering works 29/30 November, 1975, (AD7177/B11/101175).

Weekend Engineering Work may Affect Your Journey 29/30 November.


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster, (Epson Races 1970), April 21, 22,23, June 3 (Derby), 4, 5, 6, (Oaks), Frequent trains to Tattenhan Corner, Epsom or Epsom Downs, Visit the course and fair on 'Show - Out Day', Sunday 31 May, Epsom Downs station will be open in the afternoon on this day, Special train services to Epsom Downs every half hour commencing 14.08 until 20.38, from Victoria serving Balham, Norbury, Wesy Croydon, Wallington, Sutton Lines, Return from Epsom Downs half-hourly from 14.48 to 21.18, March 1970, (Other IDs AD3295/B6 1/2/17370*****).

Epson Races 1970


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Operation London Bridge. Signalling and Station Reconstruction), Poster explaining current work and its effects, Illustrated with diagram showing changes at London Bridge Station, 1975, (AD7214/B61/4/31275 Code C) This is poster No21.

Operation London Bridge. Signalling and Station Reconstruction


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Work may Affect Your Journey 22/23 November), Magenta border printing white and black, White central panel printed black, Listing routes affected weekend 22/23/November, 1975, (AD7167/B11/31175).

Weekend Engineering Work may Affect Your Journey 22/23 November.


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (5/6 January)), Green border title in white, White central panel printed black, giving routes affected, 1973, (AD5883/B12/181273).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (5/6 January)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Return Restrictions Cheap Off-Peak Tickets to London), Printed scarlet on white, Warning that off-peak tickets are not valid on trains leaving London termini between 16.30 and 18.30 on Mondays to Fridays (including 18.30 Charring Cross, 18.33 Waterloo to Hastings, 1973, (AD5797/B5/121073).

Return Restrictions Cheap Off-Peak Tickets to London


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (8/9 December)),Magenta border title in white, White central panel printed black, giving routes affected, 1973, (AD5841/B12/211173).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (8/9December)


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "London Bridge Platform Alterations", printed in scarlet on white, notification of changes to platforms with introduction of a new timetable on Monday May 7th and rebuilding of track approaches to platform 10, 7th - 11th May.

London Bridge Platform Alterations


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (24/25 November)),Scarlet printed white, Central white panel printed black, Giving routes affected, 1973, (AD5832/B12/71173).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (24/25 November)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (19/20 January)),Scarlet border title in white, Central white panel printed black, Giving routes affected, 1974, (AD5892/B12/2174).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (19/20 January)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (13/14 October)), Magenta border white and black lettering, White central panel black printing, Lists routes affected weekend 13/14 October, 1973, (AD5774/B12/26973).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (13/14 October)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (20/21 October)), Orange border white and black prnting,White central panel black printing, Lists routes affeced 20/21 October, 1973, (AD5787/B12?41073).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (20/21 October)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (12/13 January)), Green border title in white, White central panel printed black, giving routes affected, 1973, (AD5839/B12/131173).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (1/2 December)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Train Service Alterations Mondays to Fridays from 2 October 1972), Printed royal blue on white, Lists alterations to train services on Uckfield and East Grinstead lines, 1972, (AD 4887/75/14972).

Train Service Alterations Mondays to Fridays from 2 October 1972


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Go to Brighton for only 50p Less than 1p Per Mile!), Printed crimson on white, Text - title and children 3 and under 14 half fare, From this station daily 5 October to 30 December 1972 by any train between 11.00and 15.00, Return same day by any train, Let the train take the strain, 1972, (AD4903/15/27972).

Go to Brighton for only 50p Less than 1p Per Mile!


British Railways (Southern) poster (Have a Great Day Out with Awayday Pleasure Seeker Special Bargains. (Woburn)), Illustrated with cartoon style "Dad" appearing on the left-hand edge and "Mum" and "small daughters" disappearing on right-hand edge, Text gives information including fare for a trip to Woburn Wild Animal Kingdom on Saturday 10 August 1974, (AD6215/30/24574).

Have a Great Day Out with Awayday Pleasure Seeker Special Bargains. (Woburn)


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "Operation Victoria Resignalling of 267 track miles", 1978, orange border central white panel, black printing, gives platform change at Victoria from Monday 2.00am until May during the evening peak period also including weekend engineering work, details to be made available as work progresses, poster no 6.

Operation Victoria Resignalling of 267 track miles


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Special Excursion to Torquay and Paignton), Printed dark green on white, Advertises trip on on Saturday 30 September 1972, Lists departure and return times for stations between Clapham Junction and Wokingham and arrival and departure times for Torquay and Paignton, 1972, (AD4867/90/6972*****).

Special Excursion to Torquay and Paignton


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Train Alterations), White background, Train alterations, We regret that today (Blank space) the following trains have been cancelled 16.22 to Farnham, 16.54 to Epsom, 17.02 to Chertsey etc. etc., In connection with these cancellations, the following additional stops will be made: 17.08 to Guilford (via Chobham) - calling additionally at Wimbledon etc. etc., (Logo twin parrallel lines with arrows) Southern, August 1973, (Other IDs AD5113/40/8273).

Train Alterations


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Late Night Early Morning Services to Brighton), because of engineering work on (blank space) the following services to Brighton will not run 02 59, 04 59, 05 59, (Logo, Twin parrallel lines and arrows), Southern, White background, September 1974, (Other Ids AD65411/50/26974).

Late Night Early Morning Services to Brighton


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "Weekend engineering works may affect your journey", magenta border, central panel white, printed black, list of routes affected during the weekend 3/4th February 1973, some special bus services may begin operation passengers advised to check before travelling.

Weekend engineering works may affect your journey


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (27/28 October)), Scarlet border white and black printing, White central panel black printing, Lists routes affected weekend 27/28 October, 1973, (AD5791/B12/91073).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (27/28 October)


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (27/28 October)), Magenta border white and black printing, White central panel black printing, Lists routes affected weekend 21/22 October, 1972, (AD4912/B12/301072).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey (21/22 October)


British Railways (Southern) poster (New Late Train to Salisbury), Printed red on white, Advertising a new connecting train off the 22.43 from Waterloo, An experimental arrangement to be renewed after six months, (AD3232/60/11270).

New Late Train to Salisbury


British Railways (Southern) poster (Seaside Special to Bognor Regis. Wednesday 30 August 1972), Printed red on white, Gives fare with more that for every adult ticket one child travels free, Timetable out and return from Putney to Guildford and arrival - departure Bognor Regis

Seaside Special to Bognor Regis. Wednesday 30 August 1972


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Combined Rail/Road Tour to Gloucester and the Wye Valley Saturday 14 October 1972), Printed tan on white, Advertises tour with timetable from Clapham Junction and fares, No dogs allowed, Limited accommodation, Advance booking essential, Special photographic competiton, Free film voucher, 1972, (AD4891/110/20972).

Combined Rail/Road Tour to Gloucester and the Wye Valley Saturday 14 October 1972


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "See the West End Illumination", printed in crimson on white, text gives details of special bargain tickets (5/- return for 1 adult and 2 children under 14) available to Charing Cross from given station.

Poster, British Railways (Southern Region)


British Railways (Southern) poster (Fairview Horse Show and Gymkhana Sunday 20 August 1972), Printed red on white, Gives time of start and admission prices, Advisesd to ask for fares and train times to Hastings and notes that proceeds are in aid of Southern Railwaymen's Home for Children, 1972, (AD4782/75/8872).

Fairview Horse Show and Gymkhana Sunday 20 August 1972


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Closure of East Brixton Station), Printed dark green on white, Official notice of closure of station to passenger services, Including copy of the text of decision from Department of Environment, Closure on and from Monday 5 January 1976, Alternative services listed, 1975, (AD7185/B1/1/2/131175).

Closure of East Brixton Station


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Timetable Improvements), From 7 May 1973, the off-peak train service on the Maidstone East line will be completely revised. Journey times will, in many cases, be speeded up. Departure times will be considerably altered. Please enquire at this station for details of revised train times, (Logo twin parrallel lines with arrows), Southern, 30 March 1973, (Other IDs AD5223/120/30373).

Timetable Improvements


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "Combined rail/ Road ticket to the Natural History Museum", printed brown on white, Sundays 1, 15, 29, October, 12, 26th November and 10th December, space for inclusive fare from this station left blank, special sketching competition for children 1st prize £10.00.

Combined rail/ Road ticket to the Natural History Museum


Poster, British Rail (Southern Region) poster, (Queens Road (Peckham) Train Service Alterations from 7 October 1974), The new island platform at Queen's Road (Peckham) will come into full use on Monday 7 October. As a result most of these trains which have not called at Queen's Road since the beginning of work last December, will be reinstated from 7 October. The only exceptions will be the following trains which have been temporarily with drawn due to staff shortages, September 1974, (Other Ids AD6540/B1 1/4/25947).

Queens Road (Peckham) Train Service Alterations from 7 October 1974


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (17/18 November)), Bright orange border title in white, White central panel printed black, Giving routes affected, 1973, (AD5827/B12/301073).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect your Journey (17/18 November)


British Railways (Southern) poster (Revised Sunday Services on the Oxted Line from 7 July 1974), Printed in red on white, Giving details of alterations to trains from and to London, 1974, (AD6348/50/27674).

Revised Sunday Services on the Oxted Line from 7 July 1974


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "Brighton Station Car Park", circa 1975, printed in red on white, advertising yearly £25 tickets - 8p a day valid 1 January to 31st December.

Brighton Station Car Park


Poster, British Railways (Southern Region), "Weekend engineering works may affect your journey", 1972, Magnolia border, central panel white, black printing, list of routes affected during the weekend 6/7 January 1972,special buses may be in operation, passengers asked to check before travelling.

Weekend engineering works may affect your journey


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Conducted Rambles), Printed dark green on white, Advertising rambles arranged by Mr G. Platt (Hon Rail Transport Organisor of the Ramblers Association Southern Area) two further proposed rambles and the Dixons/British Rail Photographic Competition, 1972, (AD4463/B21/2?14472***).

Conducted Rambles


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Access and Barclay Cards), Printed navy blue on white, Instructions for and restrictions on use of credit cards, 1977, (AD899/B21/2/11277 Code B).

Access and Barclay Cards


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Combined Rail, Road and Admission Ticket to Wilton House), Printed purple on white, Advertising special tickets, Tuesdays to Saturdays 25 April to 30 September 1972, (AD4468/120/18472).

Combined Rail, Road and Admission Ticket to Wilton House


Poster, British Rail Southern Region poster, (Late Nights/Early Morning Services to Haywards Heath), Printed on red on white background, Notice of train diversion not calling at Haywards Heath because of engineering works on -Date blank, 1974, (Other IDs AD6542/50/26974).

Late Nights/Early Morning Services to Haywards Heath


Poster, British Rail Southern Region poster, (Have a Great Day Out with Awayday Pleasure Seeker Special Bargains), Poster advertising a road - rail tour of North Devon on Saturday 19 October, Illustrated with cartoon style figures - man with tickets on left hand side and woman with small girl on right hand side, 1974, (Other IDs AD6529/50/17974).

Have a Great Day Out with Awayday Pleasure Seeker Special Bargains


Poster, British Rail Southern Region poster, (Have a Great Day Out with Awayday Pleasure Seeker Special Bargains), Poster advertising road - rail tour of the Shakespeare Country on Sunday 13 October, Illustrated with cartoon style drawings, man with tickets on left hand side, and woman with small girl on right hand side, 1974.

Have a Great Day Out with Awayday Pleasure Seeker Special Bargains


British Railways (Southern) poster (Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey), Magenta border, Printed whiter and black, Central panel white black printing, Lists routes affected, 1974, (AD6307/B12/18674).

Weekend Engineering Works May Affect Your Journey


Poster, British Rail Southern Region poster, (Train Service Alterations Mondays to Fridays until further notice), Printed royal blue on white, Notice of cancellation of some London suburban services due to staff shortages, 1974, (Other IDs AD6528/B9/4474 *****).

Train Service Alterations


British Railways (Southern) poster (Special Excursions to Canterbury Broadstairs and Margate Saturday 26 August 1972), Printed orange on white, Gives fares and timetable from Earley to Clapham Junction and return and arrival - departure Canterbury West Broadstairs and Margate, 1972, (AD4795/80/11872).

Special Excursions to Canterbury Broadstairs and Margate Saturday 26 August 1972


British Railways (Southern) poster (Withdrawal of Parcels Facilities), Printed red on white, Spaces left blank for date, Nearest alternative station and name of parcels concentration depot for collection and delivery of parcels and telephone number, 1972, (AD4799/60/11872).

Withdrawal of Parcels Facilities


Poster, British Railways (Southern) poster (Restriction on the Use of Awaydays Tickets Mondays to Fridays), Printed royal blue on white, Lists restrictions on travel, 1976, (AD7711/B21/2/15976).

Restriction on the Use of Awaydays Tickets Mondays to Fridays